DIY combo light table/train table/coffee table (aka, the furniture dream).

Light Table
Train/Play Table
Coffee Table

I am forever getting these big ideas, so it’s rather lucky that I am married to someone who is willing to make them a reality. Case in point, when our oldest was a baby I decided he had to have a light table, that also doubled as a train/play table, and that we could also use as a coffee table. It needed to be beautiful and affordable to make too. Easy right?

With lots of planning, some tool lending from friends, and lots of tweaking to get the lights just right, my darling wonderful husband built me this! Four years and another baby later, it still gets used daily. The light table element is definitely the most popular layer, but it is used in all its iterations. Don’t you kind of need one now too? 🙂

6 thoughts on “DIY combo light table/train table/coffee table (aka, the furniture dream).”

    1. I’ll see if Thomas can remember how he did it! 🙂 Trickiest part was getting the lighting right for the table so it diffused nicely.

      1. I need to tell you that your words “invitation to play” have resonated with me. I am seeing the kid’s toys in a totally different way. I re-organized them the other night and first thing in the morning they were digging in and playing with things they hadn’t played with in ages. You are a genius my friend xo

        1. This is such a wonderful lovely thing to say/hear. It’s so hard starting out and wondering if anyone is even reading what you’re writing. Knowing this has literally made all the work up until now worthwhile. Thank you, lovely friend! And it’s so true – once you start seeing your kids’ play spaces and materials in a new light and with new value/purpose, it really reshapes their play in such a beautiful way.

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